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How MedAssent DDS Supports Dental Medication Management

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Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor.

How MedAssent DDS Supports Dental Medication Management

Lauren Fang is a pioneering force in digital health, co-founding MedAssent DDS with a vision to revolutionize dental care. With a deep-rooted connection to the dental world and expertise in biotech and digital health, Lauren has helped create a platform that bridges critical gaps in dental practice. 

Her entrepreneurial spirit and innovative approach were recently recognized when she became a finalist at the Women’s Venture Summit’s annual Women’s Fast Pitch, hosted by the Stella Foundation.

In this interview, she shares insights into the inspiration behind MedAssent DDS, the role of AI in their offerings, and the strategies that have propelled their success. Join us as we explore the future of digital health in dentistry and the journey of a visionary entrepreneur who strives to “end smile denial™.”

Check out MedAssent DDS on LinkedIn and Instagram, too!

Inspiration and Background

SBS – What inspired you to co-found MedAssent DDS, and how did your background in biotech and digital health shape the initial concept?

Lauren – Growing up as the daughter of dentists, I spent countless hours in the back office of my parents’ practice, doing homework to the sound of dental drills. Later, I studied bioengineering at UC San Diego and completed a strategic management certificate at Harvard Extension. I never expected to find myself back in a dental office — not as a dentist but as an entrepreneur.

Everything shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic when staffing shortages hit dental practices hard, including my parents’. Stepping in as their office manager gave me a firsthand view of the daily challenges dental providers face. I saw how difficult it was to access crucial patient information quickly and how this affected the quality of care. That experience sparked something in me, and I wanted to bridge that gap.

Around that time, I joined MedAssent Rx, a digital health company focused on transforming patient education about medications. Being involved from ideation to product launch, I discovered my passion for creating user-focused solutions and building dynamic teams to solve complex problems. My experience in digital health startups and clinical research at UCSD broadened my understanding of the healthcare ecosystem and showed me how innovative technologies could make a real difference. However, I noticed many of these cutting-edge advancements were absent in dentistry, and I saw a huge opportunity to bring innovation, especially in areas like medication management.

As I started exploring entrepreneurship, I attended local events focused on innovation. A pivotal moment for me came in the fall of 2022 at my first Women’s Venture Summit in San Diego, hosted by Stella Foundation. The atmosphere was so positive and uplifting. Surrounded by powerful, inspiring female founders and investors — women at the top of their fields and those just starting out — I felt a spark ignite. It was the tipping point that convinced me to rally my now co-founders and start MedAssent DDS.

Now, being a finalist at the Women’s Venture Summit’s annual Women’s Fast Pitch feels like a full-circle moment. Competing for $50K in grants, investments, and in-kind services is thrilling, and I’m excited to give back to the Stella community that inspired me so much in the first place.

Setting MedAssent DDS Apart

SBS – How does MedAssent DDS differentiate itself from other medication management tools in the dental industry?

Lauren – One of our biggest differentiators is that MedAssent DDS was built from the ground up specifically for modern dental practice. We deeply understand dentists’ challenges because we’ve lived them. With our team’s collective 100+ years of dental and pharmacy experience, we know dentists face immense time pressure and need quick, reliable solutions integrated seamlessly into their workflow. Dentists need tools tailored to their daily needs, not repurposed resources originally designed for other healthcare professionals.

Currently, dentists rely on multiple, fragmented sources of information to make treatment decisions. This approach not only consumes valuable time but also increases the risk of missing critical information. Our Digital Drug Handbook stands out because it’s more up-to-date and convenient than traditional physical manuals and is specifically optimized for dental care — something other apps and databases like Lexicomp or Epocrates don’t fully address. In fact, using our program is 10 times faster than googling the same information. Most drug guides cater to physicians and pharmacists, overlooking the specific needs of dentists. Our Digital Drug Handbook, however, includes dental-specific details like local anesthetic warnings, medical consult recommendations, and dental implications for over 13,000 FDA-approved medications. We also provide pharmacist-approved dental dosing guidelines and suggest alternative medications when needed, which is rarely found in other resources.

To put it in perspective, imagine you’re a dentist, and a patient walks in taking 10 different medications, half of which you’ve never encountered before. You glance at the clock and realize that looking up each medication individually could take at least 10 minutes, likely without finding critical dental-specific information like the need for medical clearance or if local anesthesia is safe. You’re faced with a dilemma — proceed with limited information, risking patient safety, or push your entire schedule back, potentially even needing to reschedule appointments. With MedAssent DDS, you don’t have to choose. In under two minutes, you can pull up a complete summary of the patient’s entire medication list, with the most essential information highlighted, enabling you to proceed confidently and safely.

AI in Dentistry

SBS – What role does AI play in MedAssent DDS’s offerings, and how do you ensure the AI tools remain reliable and accurate?

Lauren – We are harnessing the power of the latest generative AI models to transform how dental providers access and interact with medication information. For each patient, we generate a med report that compiles data on every medication they take. Traditionally, this information was listed medication by medication, which, while helpful, didn’t offer the full picture.

However, with generative AI, we’re taking this a step further. Our AI can analyze a patient’s medications together, synthesizing this information into a more consolidated, comprehensive report. This enables dental providers to quickly grasp potential drug interactions, contraindications, and relevant considerations in a single, coherent overview. AI-driven insights allow us to highlight key concerns such as potential drug interactions, the need for medical consultations, or adjustments in treatment protocols. This holistic approach ensures that dentists have a deeper understanding of each patient’s medication profile, helping them make safer and more informed clinical decisions faster.

Given that our AI tools are used in clinical settings where accuracy is paramount, we place a strong emphasis on reliability and precision. Fortunately, our use case benefits from being relatively repetitive, controlled, and low-risk, focusing specifically on medication information relevant to dental care. To maintain the highest standards, our AI models are built to draw exclusively from our existing, rigorously vetted medication database, which has undergone extensive quality assurance checks. This means that all information provided is based on trusted, accurate sources.

To further ensure consistency, we have implemented strict guardrails around output formats, meaning our AI-generated med reports are standardized. This consistency minimizes variability and ensures that dentists receive information that is both dependable and easy to interpret. Moreover, we prioritize data privacy by never feeding the AI any protected health information (PHI). The AI only processes a list of medications and the patient’s age, which further reduces the risk of any data breaches or inaccuracies related to personal information.

Scaling Success

SBS – What strategies have you found most effective for scaling a tech startup in the healthcare industry?

Lauren – Admittedly, we’re still pretty new to the game. We founded MedAssent DDS in December 2022, spent a lot of time diving into customer discovery and product development, and finally launched our first version in April this year. Even though we’re just getting started, we’ve been very intentional about everything we do. Our main focus is designing solutions that truly reflect what our customers need. While we’re still rolling out our next wave of features — like integration and AI — we make sure everything we create has a purpose.

With a small team and a startup budget, we have to be smart about how we use our resources. One strategy that has worked for us is always keeping the bigger picture in mind. We’re not just thinking about what’s next month or even next year — we’re thinking about where we want to be four or five years down the road. That long-term vision shapes everything we build today.

Another key strategy is getting out there and connecting with people. Attending industry events and conferences has been an amazing way to build relationships. In healthcare, your network and partnerships can make all the difference. Collaborating with industry leaders, dental organizations, and academic institutions not only gives us credibility but also opens doors to new opportunities and insights.

Finally, of course, we listen to our customers. By keeping an open dialogue with our users, we get real insights into what they love, what they need, and what could be better. This helps us make sure we’re not just guessing but creating solutions that genuinely make a difference in their daily work.

Staying Ahead

SBS – How do you keep up with the rapidly changing landscape of digital health and ensure that MedAssent DDS stays ahead of the curve?

Lauren – We embrace a few key principles: continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation.

First and foremost, we’re always learning. Our team makes it a priority to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in both digital health and dentistry. Whether attending industry conferences, joining webinars, or diving into the latest research, we constantly absorb new knowledge. This helps us to keep pace with the latest trends and anticipate what’s coming next so we’re ready to adapt and evolve.

Collaboration is another huge part of our strategy. We work closely with clinicians, tech experts, and policy experts to ensure our thumb is on the pulse of the next big things in dentistry (such as antibiotic stewardship and the oral-systemic bridge). Our collaborative efforts don’t stop there — we actively partner with students and educators in dental schools. By engaging with the next generation of dental professionals, we gain fresh perspectives and ideas while helping shape the future of dentistry. These relationships allow us to understand the educational needs and expectations of new graduates, ensuring that our tools are aligned with their training and ready to support them as they enter the workforce.

Lastly, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We’re passionate about exploring new technologies like AI, interoperability, and advanced data analytics to make our offerings smarter, faster, and more intuitive. We’re not just keeping up with the latest advancements; we’re actively pushing the boundaries to redefine what’s possible in dental medication management.

User-Driven Development

SBS – How has the feedback from dentists influenced the development of MedAssent DDS, and can you give an example of a feature or improvement that was driven by user input?

Lauren – Feedback from dentists has been absolutely crucial to the evolution of MedAssent DDS. We thrive on agility and understand the importance of being able to pivot quickly, especially as a startup. Even though we’re a small team, we’re constantly engaging with our customers to learn how we can make our platform better.

One great example of how user feedback shaped our development is from a recent update we rolled out. Initially, we believed that dentists would prefer to limit how much they shared with third parties, including us, so we designed the platform to allow med reports to be created without tying them to specific patient data. This approach respected privacy concerns but had an unintended consequence: med reports couldn’t be retrieved once created.

Dentists quickly told us that this setup was causing them more headaches. Having to recreate med reports every time they needed to review a patient’s medication list was time-consuming and inefficient. So, we listened and made a significant change. We redesigned our workflow to include patient profiles. Now, every med report is automatically saved to a patient profile and can be easily retrieved later by searching the patient’s name and date of birth. This change not only streamlined the process for our users but also laid the groundwork for future integration with practice management software, making it possible to pull existing patient records seamlessly.

In essence, by actively listening to our users, we’ve been able to make MedAssent DDS more intuitive and aligned with the daily needs of dental professionals, ensuring that our product genuinely supports their workflow and enhances patient care.

Measuring Impact

SBS – How do you measure the success of MedAssent DDS, both in terms of business growth and impact on dental practices?

Lauren – Right now, our primary focus is on driving adoption and building a strong foundation for long-term growth. We’re seeing a lot of interest from dental and dental hygiene schools, which is really exciting. We’ve been actively meeting with administrators and planning multiple pilots and research collaborations. This is a crucial step for us, not only to gain customers in the educational sector but also to influence the future of dentistry by becoming a part of their curriculum. By embedding MedAssent DDS into the training of future dental professionals, we’re setting the stage for widespread adoption in the years to come.

As for our private practice dental clients, I’m proud to say we have a 100% retention rate so far. Our customers are finding real value in our product, which shows we’re meeting their needs effectively. To assess impact, we rely heavily on the feedback from our users, and so far, it’s been very positive. Dentists have told us that MedAssent DDS saves them a lot of time — up to 30 minutes — with patients who have extensive medical histories. We’ve also heard multiple stories of how our platform has helped identify potential medication interactions, directly improving patient safety and giving peace of mind. Looking ahead, we plan to analyze data to track long-term improvements in patient safety, which will be a key measure of our success.

Overall, success for us means not just growing our user base but also making a meaningful impact in dental practices and education.

The Future of Dental Tech

SBS – What are your thoughts on the future of digital health in dentistry, and where do you see MedAssent DDS in the next 5–10 years?

Lauren – I believe dentistry is on the brink of a major transformation, poised to be the next big thing in healthcare. It’s fascinating to think about how far dentistry has come; not too long ago, barbers were the ones performing dental procedures! It wasn’t until the 20th century that dentistry established itself as a distinct field within healthcare. This historical divide between dentistry and the rest of medicine still lingers today, but that’s rapidly changing. With growing recognition of the oral-systemic link — how oral health is deeply connected to overall health — and advancements in technology, the barriers between these fields are breaking down.

We’re entering an era where AI and interoperability are set to revolutionize dental practice, making it more efficient and seamlessly integrated with the broader healthcare ecosystem. Imagine a world where a dentist can instantly access a patient’s full medical history, consider all their medications, and understand potential interactions — all at the touch of a button. This is becoming increasingly crucial as dental support organizations (DSOs) expand and the traditional private practice model evolves. Dentists today are seeing more medically complex patients, which is a trend fueled by polypharmacy, an aging population, and younger patients taking multiple medications. The stats speak for themselves: two-thirds of US adults are on at least one prescription drug, and adverse drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death in the US. Dentistry can no longer operate in isolation. It needs to be an integral part of the patient’s healthcare team.

Looking ahead 5–10 years, I see a very different landscape from what we have today. MedAssent DDS aims to be at the forefront of this oral-systemic revolution, equipping dentists with the knowledge and tools to seamlessly connect with the wider healthcare network. By leveraging AI and health record interoperability, we envision a future where dentistry isn’t an afterthought but a vital part of holistic patient care. Our goal is for every dental professional to provide the safest and highest standard of care, ensuring no one — neither dentist nor patient — has to worry about the impact of overlooked medication interactions or missed health signals.

Balancing Innovation with Usability

SBS – How do you ensure that your product remains user-friendly while also integrating advanced technologies?

Lauren – We believe that user-friendliness and advanced technology go hand in hand. In fact, using advanced tech makes our product even easier for dentists to use. From our own experiences in dentistry, we know that dental professionals don’t have time to deal with complicated systems— they need fast, intuitive solutions.

That’s why we’ve designed MedAssent DDS to be so simple that anyone in the dental office — whether it’s front office staff, assistants, hygienists, or dentists — can use it with ease. Our clean, easy-to-navigate interface ensures that all the complex processes happen in the background. We’re always talking to our users and refining our product to make sure it fits seamlessly into the daily workflow of a dental practice. We blend advanced tech with a focus on simplicity to make it easy for everyone in the office to interact with our platform and get their job done efficiently.

Data Protection

SBS – How does MedAssent DDS protect patient data, and what measures are in place to ensure compliance with healthcare regulations?

Lauren – At MedAssent DDS, protecting patient data is a top priority, and we are fully committed to maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations, particularly HIPAA. As a business associate, we take several measures to ensure that patient information remains secure and private.

First, we use the most stringent API protocols to ensure that all data transfers are encrypted and secure. In our cloud-based servers, all protected health information (PHI) is encrypted at rest using industry-standard encryption techniques. This ensures that even if data were somehow accessed, it would remain unreadable and protected.

We implement robust security protocols, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) for access, regular security audits, and continuous monitoring of our systems for any signs of suspicious activity. We also conduct regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address any security gaps proactively.

We ask all clients to sign a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (BAA). This agreement outlines the responsibilities of both parties in protecting patient information, ensuring that we and our clients adhere to HIPAA standards for data privacy and security.

Marketing Evolution

SBS – What has been your approach to marketing MedAssent DDS, and how have you adapted your strategy as the company has grown?

Lauren – We’ve been fortunate to draw on our own experiences in dentistry to really put ourselves in our buyer’s shoes. This insight has shaped our marketing strategy because we understand what dentists want and need and how they make purchasing decisions.

In-person events have been a cornerstone of our marketing approach. Dental conferences and continuing education events provide a valuable opportunity to engage with dentists face-to-face and demonstrate our product live. Often, dentists may not even realize they have a problem until we show them how MedAssent DDS can help. These events also allow us to connect with a broader audience, including educators and DSO executives, and build relationships with other vendors. Since our launch, we’ve attended two major shows, and we have a busy schedule lined up for the fall.

We’ve also been working on building our online presence. We’ve partnered with several large dental media outlets, like DrBicuspid, DentistryIQ, and Dental Products Report, where we contribute as guest authors. By regularly publishing high-demand, medication-related content, we’ve received a very positive response and gained customers through these channels. On social media, we focus on engaging with younger dentists and dental students by crafting a relatable online brand. We’re not just promoting medication safety; we’re building an online community that resonates with the next generation of dental professionals.

As we continue to grow, we see channel partnerships with practice management solutions, malpractice insurers, and other dental vendors as key to our strategy. Our product complements many existing services, so these partnerships will help us make MedAssent DDS more accessible and seamless, driving wider adoption.

Lessons Learned

SBS – Can you share any lessons learned from failures or setbacks during your entrepreneurial journey?

Lauren – It’s no secret that the entrepreneurial journey is full of ups and downs, and failure is often part of the process. Honestly, growing up — from middle school to high school to college — I wasn’t all that familiar with failure. If I put in the hard work, I got the grades, published research papers, and climbed the ranks in my extracurriculars. But I’ll never forget my first big rejection when I pitched MedAssent DDS to an investor. At that point, we were just an idea, not even officially incorporated yet. I was devastated. I probably went through a whole box of tissues. I felt like the odds were stacked against me: a first-time founder, fresh out of college, a woman of color with a STEM background and no business experience. It made me question everything — did I make a mistake withdrawing my medical school applications to chase this uncharted path without a salary (I still don’t have one, by the way) or a clear future?

But looking back over these past two years, it’s incredible to see how much resilience I’ve built. Yes, setbacks hurt in the moment; there’s no sugarcoating that. But what I’ve learned is that there’s always another opportunity around the corner. Grit is the most essential quality a founder needs because there will be times when it feels like the world is telling you you’re not good enough and that your idea or strategy won’t work. Those are the moments when you have to keep going, even when it’s tough. So, every rejection and every failure has become just another stepping stone, another lesson that’s made me stronger and more determined to make MedAssent DDS a reality.

Advice for Founders

SBS – What advice would you offer to other founders working at the intersection of healthcare and technology?

Lauren – My biggest piece of advice is to keep a close eye on what regulators are prioritizing and where the industry is headed. For us, it’s become clear that areas like drug safety, antibiotic stewardship, and the oral-systemic link will be major focuses in the coming years. By anticipating these trends now, we’re positioning ourselves to lead the charge in these areas. Staying ahead of regulatory changes not only helps with compliance but also gives you a competitive advantage.

Another key piece of advice is to find a community of fellow entrepreneurs. For me, connecting with other female founders through the Stella Foundation has been invaluable. They offer incredible resources and mentorship opportunities, and they do so much to support and elevate female entrepreneurs. I can’t wait to reconnect with everyone this fall at the annual Women’s Venture Summit! Additionally, being part of healthtech-specific online communities, like Health Tech Nerds, has been fantastic. It’s a great way to meet others in the industry, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences.


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How MedAssent DDS Supports Dental Medication Management